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As a martial arts school, we have high expectations from our students both in the dojang and at home. We expect our students to show respect towards their instructors and fellow students, to arrive on time for classes, and to give their best effort during training. At home, we encourage our students to practice regularly, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to uphold the values of martial arts in their daily lives.

respect for our training area and sessions

In Taekwondo training spaces, discipline, respect, and dedication hold utmost importance. Adhering to specific rules is crucial to preserve the sanctity of the training area and foster a constructive learning atmosphere.

  • Showing respect: Bowing when entering and exiting the training area signifies respect towards the space, instructors, staff members, and fellow students.

  • Punctuality: Arriving on time for sessions demonstrates your dedication and respect for the practice. Punctuality as a fundamental key of discipline in Taekwondo.

  • Uniform: Each session at Fair Lawn Taekwondo requires wearing the appropriate uniform, t-shirt and belt. It is crucial to maintain the cleanliness and good condition of your uniform for effective training.

  • No Shoes: Prior to entering the training area, please take off your shoes to maintain the cleanliness of the mat and demonstrate respect for the environment.

  • Parent Waiting Area: To observe your child's session, please wait in our designated waiting area situated in the back office section. Kindly avoid sitting inside the training area unless our manager directs you to do so. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Children learn by observing examples. When parents and other authority figures show respect and punctuality, children will naturally learn to value respect and being on time.

respect rules for the home

Respecting parents is crucial for creating a positive and harmonious home environment. By setting clear rules and expectations, we can ensure that everyone in the household is treated with kindness and respect. Our team is dedicated to teaching our students the importance of showing respect to their parents and/or caregivers.

Respecting parents is crucial for creating a positive and harmonious home environment. By setting clear rules and expectations, we can ensure that everyone in the household is treated with kindness and respect. Our team is dedicated to teaching our students the importance of showing respect to their parents and/or caregivers.

Teaching children to show respect to their parents and family members is an important aspect of their upbringing. It is essential that children greet their parents when they enter the house and say good-bye they leave. Honesty, maintaining good relationships with siblings, helping with household chores, keeping their bedroom clean, and maintaining good hygiene habits are all important values that children should learn. Additionally, children should not interrupt adult conversations, study their school work at school and at home, and show respect for their teachers and peers at all times.

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